• Breathe In: The Neuroscience of Scent

    Woman smelling lavendar

    With record rainfall in the US this past month, April showers certainly brought May flowers along with a dazzling bouquet of scents. One of the greatest and most ancient gifts […]

  • The Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts

    Surrounding sitting Division 10 President Mary Gregerson clockwise from far left: Treasurer Allyn Enderlyn, Secretary Suehuyeon Paek, Bracha Azoulay and Member at Large Hod Orkibi. Mary Gregerson is a clinical psychologist, scientific researcher […]

  • WATCH: The Science of the Arts

    image of glass art

    How does the brain process sensory information? What gives humans the unique ability to create and respond to art? Can architecture effect healing, creativity and learning? These are questions at […]

  • Q & A with Anjan Chatterjee, M.D., F.A.A.N.

    Anjan Chatterjee is the Frank A. and Gwladys H. Elliott Professor and Chair of Neurology at Pennsylvania Hospital. He is a member of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience and the […]